Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm right here...

Yesterday at work, I came in, sat down at my cubicle, said hi to those around me and starting working on catching up from being on vacation and planning my week ahead. I had been there about 10 minutes when my boss arose from her hibernation, and proceded to ask a co-worker a question about a lunch meeting that many of us will be attending, including myself. To make a short story longer, my boss and my co-worker were having a conversation about me and I WAS SITTING RIGHT THERE!. Ok, I'm 4'11" and no, you can't see my head above my cubicle wall, but at least you can ask if I was there before you start saying things like "kbib must still be on vaction. We'll ask Kbib(thats my hood name) when she gets back from vacation tomorrow." Did I mention I WAS SITTING RIGHT THERE!. Today, I raised my desk chair up about 2 feet and tomorrow I think I'm going back to 80's hair so I'll been seen!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School

Thank goodness today is back to school for Phillip. It was nice to be off for Christmas and New Years and he got to stay home and play with his new toys, but I think he was getting a little too comfortable with being at home in his jammies. When I stayed home with him for a couple of years when he was younger, we used to have jammie days - it was nice for both of us. Unfortunatley, that has parlayed into him wanting to stay in his jammies more than he wants to get dressed and sometimes there is a fight when we are going out and he doesn't want to go becaue he doesn't want to get dressed. I knew I had a problem on my hands when last Friday night I authorized the wearing of the jammie pants to the local YMCA where has was accompanying me becuase I had to work. His dad was also working, but it's more convenient for me to take him to work with me. When we got there I also realized that he was still wearing his slipper socks with his shoes. I guess on one hand, I am teaching him how to relax!

Today we go back to routine, rules and rat race. I swore that I was going to stick to bed time when he was off on break, but 2 days into break, he was going to bed and 10:30 becuase we were out with friends. Now, it's back to 9:00 bed time (9:15 if he brushed his teeth at night!). I'm sure he'll be tired becuase we were out late last night at a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert and he had to get up this morning! Maybe this weekend we'll have another jammie day!.........

Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 Here I Come

Every new year's day I declare (insert the year), the Year of the Bibler. I'm not sure what that means, but it makes me feel good. I usually make the same resolutions (only I call them goals) and start off the year excited; then 2 weeks into January, I'm back on the couch curled up in a blanket staring at the TV. For some reason, 2009 feels different - maybe it's the fact that I just turned 40 and still want to be perceived as someone in her late 20's, early 30's, or maybe it's God telling me to get up and get moving. Maybe it's the fact that I have a sales job now and I'm more goal driven becuase of it. Whatever the case may be, I have 6 goals for this year, which I wrote in big letters in color marker and diplayed them proudly on the fridge. My 5 goals for 2009 are: Go to Church (we left our other church in February, 2008 and I really feel a void in my life), eat healthy, excercise (not more, just some at all!), save money, read more and no bad words.

Have you ever noticed that when you work with someone who says bad words, you find your self falling in that trap. We'll, I'm not going to let that happen to me. I am going to put on my ipod at work, go on sales calls and do whatever I have to do to not use those words (cuss words I'm talking about). ALso, it helps that my almost 8 year old son has seen the goals on the fridge and reminds me of them constantly!

We got a wii for christmas and I am looking for some fittness games for it that I can do in the morning. I want my husband to do this with me. He's a work in progress, but I think I can pull him over to the fitness world. I want to eventually start running, but I'm still trying to lose my baby weight (did I mention he's almost 8!), so I need to get a few pounds off becuase I confortable running.

I really want to save money this year. I know, that's something that's on everyone's mind, but I really need to focus on this one. Maybe it's growing up an only child and only grandchild and/or my lack of patience, but I have a problem spending. I'm lucky that I'm married to a saver, becuase without him we'd reallybe in deep debt. We're not as bad off as some people, but I really want to have no credit card debt, be able to save money in our savings account and put money in Phillip's college fund, as well as not be worrying about the fact that I think our garage door is on it's last leg and we still need to replace 2 closed doors lost in 2007's flood.

Anyway, this is my first of many blogs. It's a way for me to let it out in a creative positive way. I think this is the start of a lasting relationship. See you in the new year.....